Struggling with an anxious child? Anxiety Coach is the parenting course for you
As we highlighted in a previous blog post, parenting is one of the most significant roles and responsibilities we can have in life. It can be immensely rewarding, full of special moments, and gives us a deep sense of purpose. But it can also be incredibly hard, relentless and full of challenges.
To provide guidance and support for parents, Robertson & Ling run a variety of parenting programs, including Anxiety Coach, a program aimed at parents with children aged 4-12 who are demonstrating anxious tendancies. So: when should you do Anxiety Coach? Here are three reasons why it might be the right program for you and your parenting:
Your child is showing signs of anxiety and you’re worried
It can be hard for parents when it appears that their child is struggling with anxiety. It raises all sorts of questions and worries: can anything be done? What should I be doing as a parent to help? Anxiety Coach does an excellent job of explaining how anxiety works, and in turn, why their strategies to tackle anxiety are effective. This will give you confidence in the role you need to play in reducing your child’s anxiety.You don’t know how best to respond when your child is feeling anxious
When your child is experiencing anxiety, it can be hard to know what to do. Sometimes it can feel like what you’re doing is making the situation worse. This can leave parents at a loss as to how to respond to anxiety in their children. Thankfully, Anxiety Coach provides concrete strategies and tips that help reduce anxiety in children.You’re feeling overwhelmed and exhausted with your child’s anxiety and subsequent behaviours
It can be draining and hard to cope when your child is struggling with anxiety. Dealing with school refusal day-in-day out, or the “lashing out” behaviours that can occur when a child is anxious, can take its toll. Anxiety Coach’s strategies are not just effective, but straightforward to implement. They provide tired parents with the “wins” they’re after.To learn more about Anxiety Coach, please visit our programs page. To read about the services that we offer at Robertson & Ling, such as marriage or couples counselling, you can go to our services page. If you are interested in a free 30 minute phone consultation to discuss your suitability for counselling, call Robertson & Ling on 0437 711 654. Alternatively, you can book a counselling appointment here.